You might be thinking “Hey! KidZania is a city for 4 – 14 year olds with more than 60 real life role play adventures. Why did they go there?!” And you’d be correct. It was an adults evening where adults pretended to be kids pretending to be adults.
I went to KidZania for the first time with Christopher last year, and knew it was somewhere I’d have to take Kathleen.
Unfortunately, the first time we were meant to go, the event got cancelled. Fortunately I got my tickets refunded and some complimentary ones offered for their Christmas event.
After work, we hopped it over to Westfield London in Shepard’s Bush, and had a fun evening doing all the things that kids usually say “When I grow up, I want to be a [insert job here]”.
We were pilots, radio presenters, surgeons, F1 pit crew and firemen.
Like last time, when I did the Capital FM activity, the other participants asked “Do you work in radio?!”.
Airplane Captain Kathleen Capital KidZania! Her heart bleeds lumpy custard Surgeons for the night Firegirl Kathlen