Adventure UK

Whistle Punks Urban Axe Throwing

When I knew Kathleen was coming back to London, even for a short time, I went looking for kooky things for to do.

When I discovered it, axe throwing went to the top of the list!

Tucked away in an a large warehouse in Whitechapel, London, are six targets and a bunch of axes. This is Whistle Punks Urban Axe Throwing.

Over 90 minutes, we were taught how to throw with two hands over the head, one handed and then underarmed.

Another trick shot was throwing whilst walking towards the board, and then continuing to walk!

At the end we go to throw the battle axe. Kathleen got it in the board first try, whilst I still took a couple of attempts.

Below are our some of our triumphs, including some slow-mo shots!

In the end, I was better than Kathleen, as was proven by the round-robin scoreboard. Finally a non-Olympic sport that I can beat her at!

Axe Throwing scoreboard

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